Saturday, January 2, 2010

But after all........

Murderous breez

Whispers in my ears

Coldness that spreads

Freezes my breath

The dead silence

Mocks at me

Gigglng hysterically

But after all.....

The desert spreads

On my eye balls

Is full of invisible people.

Dear Petals

Sweet soft smooh petals
Spread and slowly settle
Not hurting or making any sound
On the meek grassy ground.

Yes, you are in yellow
Yet in sense of mellow
Though weary with the heat
You keep the pulse's beat.

Bees abandon you
Ealier who kissed you
Only dew drops touch your range
Without considering your change.

Sun's rays let them don't
Linger around you and haunt
Seeking last drop in thirst
Make you dry and wearily hurt.